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75th Anniversary of the First Veterans Day Celebration and Free Access to Fold3® on Veterans Day Weekend

November 7, 2022 by | 42 Comments

Following WWI, the United States commemorated November 11th as Armistice Day. The date was significant since WWI fighting ended on November 11, 1918 (the 11th hour, 11th month, 11th day). However, in 1947, a WWII veteran from Birmingham, Alabama, was … Continue reading

September 29-30, 1864: The Battle of New Market Heights and the Contributions of the United States Colored Troops

September 9, 2021 by | 72 Comments

On September 29, 1864, Black soldiers serving in the U.S. Colored Troops (USCTs) led an assault against Confederate defenses protecting Richmond during the Battle of New Market Heights. New Market Heights was part of the larger Battle of Chaffin’s Farm. … Continue reading