In addition to our premium collections, we plan on adding more free content for people to sample in the coming months.
To make viewing free stuff easier, you now do not need to register to view free documents such as these:
You still need to register if you want to annotate, save or print images.
Speaking of printing, we know it’s one of the first things people do when they find an interesting document. So, we’ve worked to improve the clarity of printouts from the viewer.
We have also added a simple URL at the top of each printout to help you get you back to that document quickly.
If you have some suggestions for improving the site, please let us know on this blog or click on the Feedback links found at the bottom of Footnote pages.
Why do the Revolutionary War pensions? Those have been done and are available through libraries on Heritage Quest. They are also available on microfilm. The Civil War pensions, on the other hand, are available only in DC. Rather than re-do something that’s already been done, why not get started on something new?
Your comment brings up one of the interesting challenges we face here at Footnote–with all the great content that is available, what do we work on first? This question has inspired some of our most fun (and some of our most heated) conversations.
In the end though, we’re very interested in knowing what folks who use the site want to see, so thank you for your input.
We’d love to know the kinds of things that make content interesting to visitors to the site. Is it specific events, people, time periods? Are there particular kinds of documents (letters, newspapers, case files, etc)? Are you more interested in the original documents or indexes and other resources that can lead you to the documents?
If anyone has comments on these general questions you can make them as a reply to this post or send them to us using the contact form here.
If you have specific collections in mind you can let us know with the “Suggest a Title” box here.