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TMIH: The Battle of Brandywine: September 11, 1777

Fold3 Image - Washington reports on the American loss at Brandywine
On September 11, 1777, American troops clashed with the British in the Battle of Brandywine in Pennsylvania, resulting in an American defeat that allowed the British to easily capture Philadelphia later that month.

In early September, with British general William Howe’s troops advancing toward Philadelphia, George Washington deployed his army along the east side of Brandywine creek, about 25 miles from Philadelphia, and took up a defensive position to meet the British. Washington was expecting the British to launch a frontal attack, and at first, that’s what appeared to be happening, as British troops congregated on the other side of the creek opposite Washington’s center.

However, Washington received intelligence that a large force of the British army was heading north to cross the creek higher up and outflank the Americans. So Washington sent out orders to reposition his troops to meet the threat. But before the orders could be fully carried out, Washington received conflicting news that there were no British to the north, and he rescinded his orders.

But it turned out that the original intelligence was correct, and there really was a large force of British about to outflank the Americans. Washington hastily repositioned the right wing of his army to meet the British flanking maneuver, but the Americans couldn’t withstand the British attack. Washington tried to reinforce his right with troops from the center, but it was too late. At about the same time, the British at the Americans’ center also attacked and likewise overpowered the Americans there, and the American army was forced to retreat.

Fold3 Image - British attack both American right and center
During the battle, the Americans suffered an estimated 1,300 casualties, with approximately 300 killed, while the British sustained 583 losses, with 89 killed. The Americans’ loss enabled the British to take Philadelphia without a fight later that month, and the Continental Congress, which met in that city, was forced to move to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for the time being. Despite their defeat, the American troops remained in relatively good spirits, seeing their loss as only a temporary setback. However, Washington’s failure caused some Patriot leaders to question his skills as a commander.

Did you have ancestors who fought in the Battle of Brandywine? Tell us about them! Or search Fold3 for additional information about the battle.

140 thoughts on “TMIH: The Battle of Brandywine: September 11, 1777

  1. My ancestor Private Drury Jackson (1754 – aft. 1835) was in the Battle of Brandywine, and I claim him as one of my supplemental ancestors in the Sons of the American Revolution, and for membership in the Society of the Descendants of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge. He was a private in the 8th VA Regiment. His pension file is #S38075, His pension record states, “. . . that he was in the Battle of Bandywine [Chester Co PA 11 Sep 1777] and Germantown. . .”
    His biography is at http://www.findagrave.com.

  2. I have an ancestor (Benjamin Cole aka Bennett Coleman) whom I am trying to trace who came to America with William Howe’s Army (joined in Cork, Ireland), and after being captured at the Battle of White Plains, changed sides and worked in a staff position for General Washington’s army. I know where he went after the war and about his descendants thereafter, but have not been able to trace the early years, so do not know if he was at the Battle of Brandywine or not.

    1. @SDaniel, …..I have Cole relatives on both sides of my family. Originating in Kentucky, Pittsburgh and Vermont. Where are yours from in the US?

      I also have a Battle of Brandywine ancestor: John Christian Moser who was with Northhampton PA Militia.

      John Christian Moser Headstone.jpg

    2. My Benjamin Cole (whose whereabouts between the Battle of White Plains and his marriage are unknown to me) married Rachel Salisbury in Massachusetts in 1787, later moved to New York State, died in Cattaraugus Co. His offspring moved to Ohio (Portage). My GGF William was born there, married a Nancy Park(s) in Dekalb Co. Georgia in 1853, moved about 1870 from Georgia to Caldwell Co, Missouri. My grandfather, Perino B Cole wound up in Cambridge, Nebraska. Interestingly, he told my mother that his father had been Moses Cole from Atlanta, Ga, who had a plant nursery on Peachtree St. So in the beginning I was looking at Moses Cole, who is not at all in my line, and have been puzzled as to how Perino, who was about 2 when the family moved to Missouri, even knew Moses Cole existed. I assume his father, William C, must have worked for him. Another interesting thing is that Perino married a Mary Elizabeth Noah. And everywhere I have looked there are Coles living in the same community as Noahs, lots of Cole-Noah marriages in many places. — So I have mysteries on both ends of this, Benjamin’s existence in Ireland as Bennett Coleman, and William and Nancy’s existence in Atlanta during the Civil War.

  3. My Ancestor, Thomas Hubbard, was in the Battle of Brandywine (Pension S17227) and I have written a book about him that includes his service in the 1st Virginia Regiment at the battle. He served throughout the War, 1775 – 1781. Fold3 was a very valuable resource in my research. If you are interested in the book, “Thomas Hubbard’s War,” it is available on Amazon.

    1. My 5th GGF is Thomas Mortimer Hubbard. I hope this is the same man. If so, I will be ordering your book! Pretty sure it’s him, but just wanted to confirm.

      Thanks for your work!

    2. Yes, the Thomas Hubbard who served at Brandywine and for most of the War is often named as Thomas Mortimer Hubbard. His service record is quite remarkable. In the book I tried to detail all his service from 1775 to 1781 and his eventual move to Alabama. I am related to Thomas through his youngest daughter, Catherine. He is my 4th great grandfather. It is good to meet another family member interested in Thomas. Roy

    3. I am descended from Catherine Hubbard as well. I grew up in Walker County, AL where she ended up settling some time in the 1840s. I am always amazed how long a family and descendants can remain in one area!

    4. I still have a number of cousins in Walker County and throughout Alabama and I’m enjoying finding more. Regarding the book on Thomas Hubbard, I tried to include all the official and unofficial records available–pension records, will, service records, letters he wrote after the War…. If you get it and don’t like it, please let me know and I will be glad to refund the entire expense–book, tax, shipping.

    5. Oh, I forgot to tell you, ordered it today! I’m sure it will be a keeper. Thanks for the work you’ve done!

  4. My 4th great grandfather, Captain Roger Stayner served in the military during the Revolutionary War. Sometime during August 1775 he went from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as a volunteer to Boston, Massachusetts and served about two months. Upon his return to Pennsylvania, he was commissioned ensign in the newly authorized 1st Pennsylvania Battalion of the Continental Army and promoted to first lieutenant on October 27, 1775. On January 19, 1776 he was appointed second lieutenant through the recommendation of the January 15, 1775 meeting of the Committee of Safety, “pursuant to a Resolve of Congress, that the Battalions rais’d in this Province in the Continental Service, should have a second Lieutenant to each Company, this Board went into the choice of Eight Gentlemen, as proper persons to be appointed Second Lieutenants in Colo. Bull’s Batt’n”. On June 8, 1776, Lieutenant Roger Stayner participated in the Battle of Three Rivers at Three Rivers, Canada. The 1st Pennsylvania Battalion was reorganized and redesigned on January 1, 1777 as the 2nd Pennsylvania Regiment, to consist of 8 companies. Roger Stayner was promoted to Captain of one of these companies. Captain Stayner participated in the Battle of Brandywine fought on September 11, 1777. The battle, which was a decisive victory for the British, left Philadelphia, the revolutionary capital, undefended. The British captured the city, beginning an occupation that would last until June 1778. The Continental Congress abandoned Philadelphia, first to Lancaster, Pennsylvania for one day and then to York, Pennsylvania. Military supplies were moved out of the city to Reading, Pennsylvania. On September 26, 1777, British forces marched into Philadelphia. On that same day, Captain Roger Stayner was taken prisoner by the British Army while at his home. As an officer he was fortunate to serve as a paroled prisoner on Long Island, New York until his exchange on October 25, 1780.

    Prisoners of War
    The Presbyterian and Dutch Reformed Churches of New York City, New York were the first prisons for the captive Americans. Then other Churches, the Provoost (later the Hall of Records Columbia College and the sugar houses in Liberty and Duane Streets were used for the same purpose. The accommodations being crowded, transport ships were used in Wallaboul Bay on the Brooklyn shore. The worst of the Prison Ships was the ” Jersey “. Others were:–the ” Scorpion “, the ” Falmouth “, the ” Good Hope “, the ” Chatham ” and the ” Prince of Wales”. While the deaths in the Prisons on shore were frequent, the mortality on the Prison Ships was far worse-as many as 15,000 in the latter case. In 1808, the bones of many of the Prisoners were given public burial in Brooklyn, by the Tammany Society of New York; and, in 1826, a monument was erected to their memory at the Wallabout. American Prisoners were also kept in New Utrecht, Flatbush (the Bergen Homestead), Gravesend, Flatlands and New Lots – all on Long Island.

    Paroled Prisoners
    During the American Revolution, officers on both sides generally expected and received paroles. The terms and applications of the paroles were not always the same, however. American officers who were paroled by the British were committed to three essential pledges. They agreed to abstain from military activity, to refrain from correspondence with the enemy or criticism of the British and to present themselves if summoned. The last pledge was always included, but the British considered the other two binding customary law. It was also not unknown for the British to parole officers, but then retain them in close confinement. This is less generous that the traditional parole, but certainly preferable to actual imprisonment.

    Prisoner Exchanges
    Throughout the war, there were exchanges of prisoners. These were made in the field or at higher levels of organization. Usually high ranking officer exchanges were negotiated for specifically named people. There were some exchanges based on numbers

    1. My ggggrandfather was a British navy Officer was captured and paroled then exchanged for an American Officer ,
      He was already married to an American girl AnnJane Hobbs (née Main ) in New York .
      Janie Hobbs was made a widow later –eventually migrating to Australia with 4daughters and a son in 1803 .
      That explains why I am an Aussie,see?

  5. Zachariah Wells was the farrier for Lighthorse Henry Lee’s Legion–a Continental Army unit of cavalry. He was captured and held in Philadelphia for five months, but was one of the fortunate prisoners who was exchanged. His service spanned three years and Brandywine was one of the battles where he served. His unit served as eyes and ears for Washington’s army, and they also foraged for provisions during the winter. In his pension application he listed his services which included Germantown, Brandywine, and Bonum Town, Washington’s Life Guard, and his captivity in Philadelphia. I was able to prove he was my ancestor by finding chancery court papers in the Kentucky archive at Frankfort. In the suit, his children wrestled over his property after he died, and his pension was part of the issue. It would be wonderful if the obscure records of chancery cases, poorly preserved in many instances, could be picked up by Fold3 where they pertain to veterans. The cases are replete with genealogical and historical details. Their existence is in peril because most of these documents molder in courthouse attics, or have been dispersed or destroyed.

    1. Hello!

      It’s nice to meet another Wells descendant. Old Zachariah confused people for a long time because he collected his pension in Sullivan County, Tenn., but resided in Whitley County, Ky. It wasn’t until I found the chancery pages that his line was proved–no one knew who his children were until the case made it crystal clear. If you need any of those pages, please let me know.

    2. I totally agree. These local libraries have no storage and allowing patrons to read with no little white gloves.
      Interesting also was the squabble of the family members who wanted the pension! Still happening today.

  6. My 5th Great Uncle, Col. Patterson BELL, of Chester County, supplied troops to George Washington. Below is a transcription of a letter from Washington. I’m sure Patterson Bell’s brothers also volunteered but I don’t yet have proof.

    Washington, George, 1732-1799. The writings of George Washington from the original manuscript sources: Volume 9
    Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library

    Head Quarters, September 1, 1777.

    Colonel Patterson Bell of the Eighth Battalion of Chester County Militia, having informed me, that he can bring into the Field Two Hundred Volunteers to reinforce the Army under my command, I do hereby agree with him, that the said Corps or such Number of Men, as he brings shall be furnished with provisions and Ammunition during their continuance in Service, in the same manner that the Troops are which compose the Continental Army; he the said Colo. Bell promising to join his Corps to the Detachment commanded by Brigadier Genl. Maxwell, and to observe his orders and those of his the said Bell’s Superior Officers while in Service.33

  7. On December 9, 1775, William Taliaferro was a captain in the 2d Virginia Regiment led by Colonel William Woodford when the forces of Royal Governor Lord Dunmore were soundly defeated by the American patriots in the Battle of Great Bridge. The victory ultimately led to the British evacuation of Virginia. By September 11, 1777, Taliaferro had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel of the 4th Virginia Regiment in Adam Stephen’s Division. He was captured by the British apparently in the assault on Birmingham Hill and later died in a Philadelphia hospital on February 1, 1788. I have been searching for his placement pending the capture of Philadelphia by the British and also seeking information as to whether his capture was related to an injury in the battle. Any information will be appreciated.

  8. I am a descendent of William Pace who was in the battle of Brandywine. It took me almost a whole day of reading various documents to arrive at the point of interest I was interested in. I am a member of SAR , but not through William Pace. I have been researching ancestors for 42 years and still find a gold nugget every once in a while. Thanks to this Fold 3 information I have found another nugget.

  9. Written on my 4th great grandfather James Lewis’ monument in Winchester, Tennessee. “He was an officer in the Revolutionary War and was one of Gen. Washington’s forlorn hopes at the Battle of Brandywine”.

  10. Dr. Daniel Frederick Agustus Oldenburg(Daniel Oldenbruck) was a surgeon and captain of the Pennsylvania Flying camp. He fought in the battle of Brandywine and was injured.

  11. I have a relative who was killed at the Battle of the Brandywine. His last name was Culbertson. His great granddaughter wrote a letter, which is in my possession, to find out his first name. She thinks it may have been John. The Department of War Records wrote her back and said there was no list of those killed at that battle. Is that still true? His daughter’s name was Hester Culbertson and she was born after he died.

  12. Lt John Lapsley is my 4xGreat Grandfather, rode with Morgan’s Rifle Regiment in the Continental Army (Morgan’s Mounted Men), was wounded carrying orders across the battlefield at the battle of Brandywine. He survived the war but lost the use of his left arm.

  13. Actually, Lancaster PA was the capital for only one day. The next, Congress moved further west to York, where they remained until the British left Philadelphia.

    1. Hello, My Grandfather is/was James Horn. I have traced him to a Phillip Horn in VA or PA.
      Any connection?
      My ancestors’ Garshwiler (variations) served with Alexander Mckair? in York, PA area.
      We all ended up in IN.

  14. My 3rd great grandfather Robert Layton of Fauquire Co. Va. served as a Captain in the 3rd Virginia Army for six long years and marched to Brandwine among several other battles. They won some, lost some. It turned out good in the end. I’m very proud to say that I have 16 direct connection back to the American Revolutionary War.I served in the Korean War myself flying B-29s.

    1. Thank you for your service. You carry on a glorious tradition and your ancestors would be proud.

    2. Dear Mr Layton:
      How wonderful to have such a rich family history. Thank you for your service!
      My Dad was an aircraft mechanic for the RAF in Canada & moved after WW2 to the USA. I’m the first American citizen in our family. Still researching my French Canadian relatives who fought the British during AR!

  15. Zachariah Rice was in the Battle of Brandywine. Soon, he was tasked with building a hospital for the troops in the area. His wife, Abigail, served as a nurse and contracted TO which caused her death.

    1. I have done a lot of research on Zachariah and his wife Abigail (Maria Appolonia) Hartman Rice (Reis) She contacted Typhus Fever as a result of tending to the Soldiers and probably less than excellent health her self having 21 children. The Rice’s farm was within riding distance of the Battle of Brandywine and George Washington and his men did retreat there. There are several documentations to this. That hospital was the only hospital built at that time for the wounded and there was a hall name for Washington. Abigail’s father Johnanes (Peter) Hartman who has several more middle names also fought. Originally they came from Germany via several ports to the Amerika’s(Probably the original spelling as it is found very often in old colonies writings).

    2. Seventeen of those children were alive and able to attend her funeral. Their story is fascinating. Are you a cousin?

  16. My 6gggfather, Clement Pennell, served at West Point and was still there when Benedict Arnold showed up. Clement’s brother, Jeremiah Pennell was a sargent in a Massachusetts artillery unit which was mustered in as a Continental Army unit. He was with the unit until the end of his term. The unit was at Brandywine, Germantown, and Valley Forge. Jeremiah’s pension specifically puts him at Valley Forge but is silent on Brandywine and Germantown.

    My wife and I live on the Brandywine Battlefield. My wife’s relative, Major General John Armstrong, had command of the Pennsylvania militia units in the Brandywine campaign. General Armstrong was the brother to her 7gggfather who fought in the South. General Armstrong is also an ancestor of astronaut Neil Armstrong.

  17. My 4th great-grandfather, Charles Lenox, was a private in the 3rd Virginia Regiment from Prince William County, at the Battle of Brandywine. His regiment was sent forward to slow the British flank attack and was almost surrounded at the orchard north of the Quaker meeting house before they retreated. Lenox was wounded at the battle and ended up at the Brick House hospital in Reading, PA according to Army records. His wife Margaret tended to him at the hospital. He survived and VA later gave him a pension. I visited the Battlefield site last year. it is worth the visit.

  18. Captain Joshua Hadley fought at Brandywine and also Germantown. He was from North Carolina. The N.C. troops were so badly decimated in these battles that at Valley Forge, George Washington sent Joshua home as a “supernumary”. An interesting word that means basically an officer with no troops left ! I have a lot of information on the very first of the Sons of Liberty, and have helped relatives qualify for the DAR, etc.

  19. Private James Clendenin and his friend, John Weir, served together in Murray’s Company of the Pennsylvania Rifle Regiment (which a few months after Brandywine became the 13th Pennsylvania.) As a result of his war service, James Clendenin was given bounty land in West Deer Township (present Allegheny County, Pennsylvania.)

  20. My 5X grandfather John Blue mustered into the Pennyslvania militia in Elizabethtown and was in the Battle of Brandywine under General Potter’s command. He received a head wound in an assault by Hessian troops and was subsequently taken prisoner. He was taken to Wilmington, DE, where he stayed for several weeks, and from there was put on a prison ship and taken to Philadelphia. He was exchanged as a prisoner in 1778, proceeded to Valley Forge, and was discharged by George Washington. He was put on the pension roll in 1833, within a year of his death in Indiana. There are some gaps in the story–for example, we don’t know the name of the prison ship. But to have survived this experience…well, he must’ve been one tough guy.

  21. From the pension application of ancestor Cassimore May, c1832.

    “…being at the time a resident of Lancaster County Pennsylvania in the summer of 1777 he was drafted as one of the Pennsylvania militia of said Lancaster County under one Captain Cuppinhover (a german) and was marched toward Philadelphia at the time that the British Army under Gl Howe was on the Chesapeake, but did not march into vicinity of Philadelphia (but recollects of being allowed to go into that City & purchased some cheese) and under his said Capn joined the main army under Gl Washington near Brandywine, some time in the summer (for he well recollecting the weather was so warm they could not keep their meat) and after joining the main army under Washington as aforesaid marched to Brandywine & there met the British & had a severe engagement which was kept up during the day, and when dark overtook them retreated some distance from Germantown & there encamped for some time, after the British had taken Philadelphia & had driven Congress to Lancaster. That the night before the battle of Germantown,* he was placed upon picket guard on the road to prevent any passing on the road, & when the fireing of the guns in the Battle began he distinctly heard at from where he stood on picket guard until the Americans retreated & was ordered from his post & retreated with the army some distance & encamped (the place he has forgotten) said attack was in the morning before day & of a dark & foggy morn…”

    *The Battle of Germantown took place on October 4, 1777.

    1. My mom, Irene “Kisamore” age 96 has tried to trace the Kisamore line to no avail. I notice the name of your relative, Cassimore-one of the ways to spell her maiden name. Do you have other info on your Cassimore’s that you could share n maybe I could find a new link to explore. Thank you.

  22. My 5th-great-grandfather Stephen Mayo participated in the Battle of Brandywine. He was a private in the 14th Virginia Regiment. His brother Benjamin Mayo was in the same regiment.

  23. Thank you for all the information and comments. So endearing to read the love and pride evident in your posts. Bless you all for keeping the records and stories alive.

  24. Private Philip Morse, my 4th Great Grandfather fought at Brandywine.

    He was in James Broderick’s Company of Spencer’s Regiment, which is sometimes called the New Jersey 5th Regiment.

    When Spencer’s Regiment was reorganized and later disbanded, Private Morse was reassigned to Jonathan Holmes’ Company in the New Jersey 2nd Regiment.

    The first battle he fought in was Brandywine, and the last battle he fought in was Yorktown. He was mustered out of the Continental Army in 1783 at Newburgh, NY.

  25. My ancestor Christian Copeland was wounded at the Battle of Brandywine.
    Christian was from Chester County and after the war moved to Mifflin Co PA.
    He also was with George Washington at Valley Forge.

  26. My 4th great grandfather, Pvt. Peter Johnstone, served with the 8th PA which fought at Brandywine. He came from near Pittsburgh. When they went into Valley Forge, he received permission to go to North Carolina-no explanation given. He returned to Ft. Pitt. where he was a member of Capt. Samuel Brady’s company fighting Indians in Ohio. He remained here until discharged in 1783, and then moved to Harrison Co., VA where he had land on the Tygart Valley River and served as High Sheriff for a time. He died Sept. 6, 1840.

    1. Ruth,
      Could it be that Peter Johnstone was requested by or volunteered to serve with Gen Nathaniel Greene in the Southern campaigns of the war?

    2. That’s possible, but there’s no record that I’ve found. Another suggestion has been that he may have been a spy in the south.

  27. Private David Brown Rank and File

    State: North Carolina


    Division: 3rd

    Brigade: North Carolina

    Regiment: 1st North Carolina


    DEC 1777
    JAN 1778
    FEB 1778
    MAR 1778
    APR 1778
    MAY 1778
    JUN 1778
    Personalized Products
    Available for Purchase

    Notes: Listed as “Sick Present” on roll dated September 1778. He may have been a member of another North Carolina regiment before they were all condensed into the 1st North Carolina Battalion at the end of the encampment. Brown later moved to Tennessee, had nine children, and died in 1807.

  28. My 3 ggf was Gideon Terry (abt. 1753 Virginia – 1821 King William Co, Virginia). He was a private, a quote from his application for pension.
    “Gideon Terry enlisted for the term of two years on the 25th day of January 1776 in King William County, State of Virginia in the Company commanded by Captain Holt Richerson of the Regiment commanded by Colonel
    Williams Nelson, in the line of the State of Virginia on the Continental establishment; that he continued to serve in the said corps or in the service
    of the United State until the 23th day of January 1778 when he was discharged from service at the Valley Forge, State of Pennsylvania; that he was in the battles of Brandy wine and German Town”. Gideon’s pension number is S,41,237.
    I am so proud of my grandfather Gideon Terry and to honor him, I have joined “The Daughters of the American Revolution”; I now serve as Regent for the St. Louis-Jefferson Chapter in St. Louis, Missouri. Gideon’s DAR Ancestor number is A204375
    I also joined the” Society of the Descendants of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge”.
    I just wish I knew more about him and his family as King William is a burned record county, tax record but not much else survived.
    I would like to hear from any Terry’s from King William County, Virginia.

  29. Our town in central Illinois is named: Mount Pulaski, after Gen. Casimir Pulaski, who with his Polish militia recently arrived from Europe, helped temporarily repulse the British who were following Washington’s retreating troops and picking them off one by one. Gen. Pulaski and his mounted cavalry broke up the attacking British to help save Washington’s army for another day. One of the soldiers was James Turley, who after the war was given a land grant in Kentucky. He married and raised his family there, but soon sold and bought farm ground in central Illinois. His son, George Washington Turley, often was told of this story and so when he helped found a new town nearby, he was given permission to name it: Mount Pulaski, as it sits on a hill. The Turley’s owned much of the surrounding countryside and so he allowed the parceling up of the land for sale of lots to begin the new community.
    While he received some money for the sales, much of it went into the building of roads, etc. He then asked for the right to name the town. I have met some of the Turley descendants, who have related much of this to me. However, I don’t ever seem to find much recognition of Gen. Pulaski and his cavalry at this particular battle. http://www.mtpulaskiil.com/mtpulaskiilWEBsite/Turley/SharonStoneInterviewNov2010.htm

  30. my 6th ggf was George (Gory) Doniphan who was killed in the Battle of Brandywine. It has been reported he died in his brother’s arms. Luckily (for me) he had sired a son prior to going to war. I am still loooking for more information about him and his brother.

    1. Did you check under the name of Donavin? As I read your comment I pronounced it as stated above. Not sure if you have, I have found numerous relations this way.

  31. A very well researched book ” Brandywine” was recently written by Michael C Harris who worked at the Battle of Brandywine Museum.
    My 5th Gr grand uncle, James Hamilton, from Lancaster Pa was a Capt. in the 1st Pennsylvania Regiment during the Philadelphia campaign. He joined James Ross’s Company and marched to Boston in summer of ’75 in Thompson’s Rifle Battalion.
    It was Ross who at Brandywine warned Washington that a large force had crossed the upper fords and was threatening the American right.

    Capt. Hamilton was captured in Jersey a couple of days before the Army set up camp at Valley Forge spending the winter on parole in relative comfort compared to his regiment at Valley Forge.

    After exchange he was promoted to Major in the 2nd Pa. Rg’t. During the Southern Campaign he met Elizabeth Lynch the sister of Thomas Lynch Jr a signer of the Declaration of Independence from South Carolina. They wed after the war and their son James Hamilton Jr. was a governor of South Carolina.

    A week after Brandywine Washington positioned his army along the high ground near Malvern Pennsylvania in a second attempt to stop Howe from taking the capital. Pa militia was posted on the left and right flank on the rainy morning of Sept 16th, while the Army was preparing to meet for the British advancing out of West Chester. Before the Americans were formed up the British attacked collapsing Washington’s right and left. The rain turned into a torrential downpour which made fighting impossible and the American army escaped with only a few of casualties.
    My property is where the Pa. militia was posted protecting Washington’s right. Von Donop’s Hessian’s pushed the militia out and camped on this same ground during the storm and for a couple of days to dry out. Sunoco is planning to build a pipeline through the site. They deny any battle took. I asked Southeast Pa Historical Recovery Group to search for possible artifacts and they found two musket balls. I am fighting with Sunoco to do a comprehensive artifact search before starting construction but they refuse. I would appreciate help.
    I have 5 direct ancestors who served in the Pa militia from Montgomery and Bucks Co. PA but have no way of knowing if they were at this “Battle of the Clouds”.

    1. Fred,

      Regarding Sunoco building a pipeline…have you contacted the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)? If this pipeline requires any sort of federal licensing, or permitting, or has any federal funding, then the Pennsylvania SHPO would have the opportunity to review the project. This review is often referred to as Section 106 (because it is a requirement under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act). I work for the SHPO in another state, so am familiar with the process.

  32. My 5th great grandfather, Levi Phillips 1750-1847, was in the battle of Brandywine. He was a Private in Capt.Calmes’ Co., Col. Febiger’s Regiment, Virginia Continental Line. He was also with George Washington at Valley Forge.
    My SAR National number is 178761. I’m also in the Society of the Descendants of Washington’s Army at Valley Forge. National number 2356.

  33. 2 french officers (volonteers) were in the army of Washington at Brandywine : Lafayette and Mauduit du Plessis (lieut.col.) Mauduit was born in Hennebont, a small town in Brittany in France. I live in Hennebont and i wrote the story of Mauduit. I read with great curiosity all your testomonials. Mauduit was also in Germantown, Redbank, Monmouth…. and Yorktown with Rochambeau. Its history is fascinating but American people do not know much. Mauduit was the friend of colonel John Laurens who came in his house in Hennebont in march 1781 before going to Paris to seek help for the war or independance …It is a great story ! With my best regard to the american people

    My best regards to the american people

    1. With pleasure. I am also looking testimony about his life in america during the independence war. We do not know enough his history in France. Mauduit du Plessis was one of the first french volunteers to fight in america during the war of independence but he has not written a lot of letters. I find more his history in america than in France. Mauduit left France 5 february 1777 aboard the Mercury as a volonteer with a commission of artillery captain (he was appointed lieut. colonel 26 march 1777) He arrived in Porsmouth 16 march 1777. He joined the army of Washington 15 avril 1777. Mauduit was also a military engineer graduate of Grenoble school. Brandywine is his first battle in america. He also participed in the battle of Germantown with colonel John Laurens. He will be a hero of the attack of the Chew’s house… He teaches the artillery to american soldiers at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-17778. He participed in the battle of Monmouth on 28 june 1778. He returned to France with Lafayette on 6 february 1779. In 1780 he returned to america with Rochambeau’s army. He participed in the final battle of Yorktown where he commanded an artillery battery. It will be decorated by Washington of the order of Cincinnati. The end of his life is dramatic.He was assassinated by his soldiers at Saint Domingo 4 march 1781.

    2. Wow, thanks for the story. I am amazed you found so much detail about this soldier so far from his home. He was very important to our war effort!

  34. My fifth GGrandfather was Captain Daniel Baldwin. He fought in the Battle of Brandywine with the New Jersey First Battalion. Later lost leg in Battle of Germantown (shot by a cannonball at Chew’s House). One of the original members of the New Jersey chapter of the Sons of Cincinnati (membership later transferred to NYC). Family friends with Aaron Burr (which was helpful at times, and not so helpful at other times…) Died in NYC in September 1816.

  35. None of this has mentioned the true significance of the Battle of Brandywine. British General Burgoyne was marching down from Canada in order to cut the rebellious colonies in two. General Howe had orders to send troops north to meet Burgoyne’s forces, but he decided it was more important to take Philadelphia. Consequently, Burgoyne was defeated at Saratoga on 7 October 1777 and surrendered 7000 redcoats and Hessians to the Americans. This provided a tremendous lift to American morale. See the book “Brandywine”, by Michael C Harris (published about 2014).

  36. My 4th Great grandfather, Pvt Thomas Ogan, was a member of Virginia’s 11th Continental Line (Morgan’s Rifles), which company was involved with the defense of Philadelphia, including Brandywine. During that time the muster rolls show he was a waggoner, responsible for getting supplies to the troops. Morgan’s Rifles, who were not regularly uniformed, often worked gathering intelligence for Washington’s Army.

  37. Captain James Pettigrew was with the British army at the Battle of Brandywine. He died late in Jamaica; he left a son in Quebec and some of his descendants are still found in Canada. Pettigrew men fought on both sides in the Revolution and I have information to share about several of them.

  38. I had an ancestor at Brandywine – a young Hessian named Petrus Gruber – joined the army of the Principality of Hesse at age 17 and shortly thereafter was shipped off to the American Colonies to fight for George III. He deserted the British Army later in 1777, changed his name to Peter Groover and joined the North Carolina Line in the Continental Army; he fought the rest of the war for his adopted country. He was granted land in Georgia after the war, and died in 1841 in Cobb County, GA, where his gravestone proudly bears the Sons of the American Revolution badge.

    1. Tim, I’m also a grand-daughter of a Hessian deserter, Caspar Elster. Have not been able to ascertain many facts of his origins or enlistment. However I write because I live in Cobb County, GA. If you need a contact here, I’m versed on some of the history, used to write for the paper. Is his grave here, and if so, do you know where? I’m fascinated by the story of the Hessians!

  39. Brothers Peter and Jacob Kip/Kipp from New York served in the 2nd Artillery of Continental Troops. Jacob was killed at Brandywine 12 Apr 1777. Peter went on to serve for the remainder of the war.

  40. My 6th grandfather, John S Satterwhite fought at Brandywine with the 10th Virginia Regiment. He served from 1777-1783. He was from Caroline County Virginia. He moved to Franklin County Ky with a 400 acre Land Grant he was awarded for his service in the war.

  41. As a child I lived on Harvey Road in Chadds Ford and went to school right next to the Brandywine. Our property backed up to the battlefield park.

    We were always digging up indian arrowheads and military stuff.


  42. My 5th Great Grandfather and Revolutionary War Patriot was Sgt. / Quartermaster, Thomas McCarty who joined the Continental Army 1 March 1776 and joined the 8th Virginia Foot Regiment at 39 yrs. old. I am a direct descendant and member of the NSDAR, Abigail Fillmore Chapter, Buffalo, NY.

    He fought in many Battles: Battle of Princeton, 2 Jan 1777, Battle of Morristown, Battle of Quibblestown 25 Jan 1777, Battle at Drake’s Farm with Col. Winfield Scott, 4 Oct 1777, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Brandywine 11 Sep 1777, and the Battle of Monmouth 2 Jun 1778.

    Thomas McCarty had injuries of a broken arm, shoulder and a dislocated hip during his service. He resigned Aug 1778 at Philadelphia.

  43. My Ancestor was William Hudelson, born about 1758, probably in Pennsylvania. He died in May 1823 in Bourbon Coounty, Kentucky. In December 1839 his widow, his son and two siblings of his widow filed affidavits in courts in Rush County and Orange County, Indiana to claim a pension for Ann Hudelson as a widow of a Revolutionary War veteran. In his affidavit, his son David Hudelson claimed that William fought in numerous battles, including the Battle of Brandywine. “I have a perfect recollection of hearing him speak of the Battle of Brandywind, of him being taken prisoner and secured in the Philadelphia new bail by the British and of his making his escape by underminding the wall of the said jail with others.”
    In her affadavit on the same day, William’s widow, Ann Hudelson said, “He (William Hudelson) was in the Battle at Brandywine and was taken Prisoner in that Battle or in Philadelphia soon after the Battle, and after he was exchanged and put under Colonel Wayne.”
    Both David and Ann Hudelson said that William was “with the Jersey Blues,” but no roster of the Jersey Blues — an infantry militia regiment — includes the name of William Hudelson (his brother-in-law John M. Hudelson said that William sometimes spelled his name Hedelson) say that William later joined the Pennsylvania Line and served in it until the Battle of Yorktown. William’s son David said that his father was “in the train of artillery in the Battle of Monmouth,” suggesting that the Pennsylvania Line unit he served in was the Fourth Artillery Regiment, also known as the Pennsylvania Artillery Regiment. That unit had a battery attached to the Jersey Blues in numerous battles, including Brandywine.
    William’s widow claimed that after the Battle of Brandywine, her husband “was exchanged.” Her son, though, claimed that William and others escap;ed from a prison in Philadelphia by “underminding the wall.”
    The widow’s pension application was rejected on grounds that the Army could find no roster of the Jersey Blues containing the name of William Hudelson or William Hedelson.

  44. I am a descendant of Col. Thomas Marshall who fought in the battle of Brandywine;
    Birth: Apr. 2, 1730
    Westmoreland County
    Virginia, USA
    Death: Jun. 22, 1802
    Old Washington
    Mason County
    Kentucky, USA

    Colonel Thomas Marshall was born in 1730 at Washington Parish, Westmoreland County, Virginia, to Captain John Marshall and Elizabeth Markham. He married Mary Randolph Keith, daughter of Reverend James Keith and Mary Isham Randolph. They had fifteen children; their eldest son is U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall.

    He was a land surveyor, served as High Sheriff of Fauquier County, Virginia in 1767 and was superintendent of Lord Fairfax’s Estate.

    A lieutenant during the French & Indian War, he was a member of the 1776 Virginia Convention that declared independence in Virginia. He was an organizer of the Culpepper Minute Men during the Revolutionary War and served at Valley Forge under General George Washington. He succeeded to General Hugh Mercer’s command when Mercer was killed at the Battle of Germantown. He fought at the Battle of Brandywine where he commanded the third Virginia Regiment, having a horse shot out from under him during battle.

    1. Bill,
      I just saw your message while entering a comment and noticed that you are a descendant of Col. Thomas Marshall. I am related to him by marriage via his son, Alexander K. Marshall, who married my 1st cousin 6x removed, Mary McDowell, 1774-1822. So we are most likely distant blood relatives. I did not know that Col. Marshall was the the commander of the 3rd VA Regiment. If you have an ancestry.com account, my tree is available. Do you have a tree that is viewable?


    2. Hello cousin Tom!
      I do not have ancestry.com. Do you know of the book “The Marshall Family” by Paxton?
      My email address is;
      [email protected]
      I would like to know more about your family.
      Bill Ashley

  45. am searching for family names, dates and areas of my ancestors from Mass. before 1800 in the general area that would become Maine. The last named person that I know about is Job Day, born about 1790 (in Maine) that would later have ancestors in Missouri after 1800. Feel they would have fought in the Revolution war as several of the grandchildren fought in the Civil War. Any help is appreciated

  46. I àm a descendant of David Jenkins and he and his sons Nathaniel,and David and possibly one more son fought in the Revolutionary War. The father David lived on a small farm in Chester County that was very near and possibly on the road that Washington’s army marched after the Battle of the Clouds. I understand they were headed to Reading area for more ammunition and took many of their compatriots to the hospital in Vincent Township ,PA for help. I do not know where to look for lists of those who served during the Battle of Brandywine and Battle of Clouds although I have been working on my Genealogy for quite a while I am still learning so much. I also found a relative on my dad’s side with the last name of Duffield from Philadelphia who may have been one of the officers captured in Philadelphia and later exchanged for another prisoner I would appreciate any help Thank you

  47. Now my 3rd great grandfather Barnabas Carter & his brother Nicholas Carter fought in the battle of Brandywine. I have been able to trace the descendants of my Barnabas – BUT I have yet to define their ancestors. Many have suggested parents etc. But so far – data available has disproven all suggestions so far. Through Y-based DNA I know some likely relative – but no parents. Ty goodart

    Now I know that Barnabas & Nicholas were at Brandywine – per the following

    The following was transcribed for Barnabas Carter’s Pension application papers:

    Barnabas Carter
    Service: VA
    No. W.713
    B.L. Wt. 26-302-160-55

    Kentucky, Nelson Co.,
    Private in the Company of
    Captain Moore of the Regiment
    Commanded by Colonel Rufoell
    In the Virginia Line, for a term of 4 years
    From 1779 to 1783

    State of Kentucky, Monday Sept. 24 1827.

    Ordered that the following Declaration scheduled to be entered of record to wit.

    State of Kentucky, Nelson circuit Court September term 1827 this day____ Barnabas Carter a citizen of Nelson County and State of Kentucky personally came into open Court being a count of record and upon his oath makes the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions of the several acts of Congress granting pension to the soldiers of the revolution who are in indigent circumstances.

    He stated that he has been a resident citizen of the State of Kentucky for twenty years and citizen of the U. State ever since the treaty of peace.

    That upon the day of ______ in the year he enlisted as a regular soldier in the service of the United State that he was enlisted by Captain Harrison and was attached to the Company of Captain Moore in the 13th Virginia Regiment on the Continental line Commanded by Col. Rufsel.

    That on the___ day of ___ he was transferred to the 9 Virginia Regiment in the Continental establishment. That he served from the time of his enlistment ___ four years until he was regularly discharged at Fort Pitt at or about the conclusion of peace. That he had his discharge, which was consumed by fire some years ago when his house was burned. He was in the engagements with the enemy at the Battle of Brandywine, Germantown, Wilmington and served his country faithfully. He states that some years ago he made application for a pension and his papers were certified by the judge of the Nelson circuit County and were sent on by the Hon’ble Bing Haveun and since which he has not heard what has been done nor has he received any answer. He states that he is poor that his age is seventy-one years. His family consists of a wife and three children. He is unable to labour and that all his estate consists in the following Articles annexed to this petition as a schedule. That he has not sold or disposed of any estate real or personal in order to enable him to obtain a pension. Nor does any person hold in trust for him any property.

    NICHOLAS CARTER’S (brother of Barnabas) PENSION APPL. FILE
    Nicholas Carter; Service VA , No. S. 46431 B.L. Wt. 1704-100 is given in the Notes section under his Gen data.

    From “Fort McIntosh The Story of its history and Restoration of the site” by Frank F. Carver: Barney & Nicholas Carter were part of Captain Uriah Springer’s Company as privates AND also at another time Captain Benjamin Harrison’s Company–both Companies part of the Ninth (13) Virginia.

    AND then from Fort Pitt 5th April 1779, VA Regiment, Colonel John Gibson “There mustered Capt. Benjn. Harrison’s Company as specified in this Muster Roll–that privates Barney Carter & Nicholas Carter were on furlough”, Source National Archives Microfilm: Series M246, Roll 108.

    NOW, as stated above Barnabas had mentioned on his pension application he fought in the battle of Brandywine. In doing research on the battle of Brandywine Creek – both Barnaby and Nicholas Carter are listed in the article:

    Name: COL Benjamin HARRISON
    Birth: 1750 Virginia
    Death: 1808 Washington County, Missouri Age: 58
    Father: Lawrence HARRISON (1720-1771)
    Mother: Catherine

    Misc. Notes
    BENJAMIN HARRISON 1750 – 1808
    A History of His Life And of Some of the Events In American History in Which He was Involved
    By Jeremy F. Elliot 1978

  48. Elijah Hummel only 17 years old talks about it in his pension papers it appears he was replacing his employer

  49. My 3rd ggf, Samuel Henderson, was a private in the 9th Regiment, North Carolina Continentals, under COL. John Williams, a co-founder of Boonesborough. The regiment fought at Brandywine and Germantown and was disbanded at Valley Forge in June 1778 .

    1. What part of North Carolina? My G X 4 was out of the Wake County area. I am hoping to obtain facts related to any battles he and his brother might have participated in.

    2. Seems there was a Col. Samuel Henderson 1746–1826 LH7H-LKF
      also from North Carolina In my family tree.

    3. There were a lot of Samuel Hendersons in NC around this time. I thought yours might be the son of Samuel, born 1700, but on checking I find his Samuel was born in 1742.

    4. Would your Samuel Henderson b. 14 Oct 1766 be the same as mine? He was from Rowan, North Carolina. He married Isabella Reece. He died 3 Mar 1823. If this is the correct Samuel, I would love to exchange information. We have Samuel’s in every generation, but I really didn’t know anything about their military history. Thanks, Betty

    5. Sorry, Betty, my Samuel was born in 1759. Samuel was a very popular name for the Hendersons in this period. There are a bundle of them.

  50. My soldier, John Vance, also served in Brandywine and Germantown! He is my first vetted soldier that awarded me my first DAR membership pinning. More to come…

  51. My GGG grandfather, Samuel D. Davis, born in 1761 in York Co. Pa, was only 16 years old when he went to the Pennsylvania militia in place of his ailing father. He fought at Brandywine, and spent the remainder of his 6 months guarding British prisoners taken at that battle.

  52. 3rd gr grandfather on greatgrandmothers side, William Sterling Smith was Regimental Quartermaster 10th Va. Continental Line, Weedon’s Brigade, moved on to Valley Forge and other engagements before being captured at the Siege of Charleston in Southern Department

  53. My SAR ancestor, Isham Blake, was an eleven year old fifer in Gen. Washington’s staff during Brandywine and later served on Lafayette’s staff as his personal bodyguard in 1780-1781 during the Virginia campaign and was with him at the surrender at Yorktown. They were re-united for an evening during Lafayette’s 1824 tour of the U.S.

    1. Did you say 11 years old? If so, he would be a great research project. Volunteer? Conscript? Forced?
      My goodness I can see 15, but not 11. And no they were not old for their age. Done too much research that confirms that!

    2. Sometimes kids went with their parents to war–father, son, and wife following camp. Some kids had nowhere else to be.

    3. Of course camp followers. I know it was mentioned on the 3 or 4 part series based on Bill O’Reilly’s latest novel that one of the women would go out on battlefield to deliver messages along with food or whatever. I want to say Molly Pitcher is what they called her. The opposition would not fire if she was there.
      Try that now and you’ll get your head blown off. What happened to chivalry?
      Oh I know we joined the Army!

  54. Martin Adolphus Eberhart my 5th great Grandfather helped carry a wounded Lafayette off the battlefield at Brandywine.

    According to the history of the Eberhart family as researched and compiled by Rev. Uriah Eberhart, Adolphus Eberhart served in the Revolutionary War and carried the wounded LaFayette off the battlefield, thus saving his life. In January of 1825, three years before his death, Adolphus was to meet LaFayette once again. LaFayette was visiting at that time in the Albert Gallatin home near New Geneva, Pennsylvania. (5) Adolphus Eberhart died in 1828 in Fayette County, Pennsylvania

  55. My 4th great grandfather, Abner Watkins, was a private in the 4th Virginia Contintal Line under Washington. I believe that he mentionned Brandywine in his pension application. After his two years were up he did not reup and went home to Prince Edward county, Virginia. He would have been 20 when he was discharged. However, his part in the Revolution did not cease as he was an Ensign in the Prince Edward county militia through the remainder of the warze

  56. My 5th great grandfather, John Mathias Flach (Flaugh) also fought at the battle of Brandywine, according to his pension file S10995. I was accepted into the DAR due to his service. Mathias came to the colonies in 1773 aboard the Union from Rotterdam as an indentured servant, he was originally from Rimhorn, Baden in now Germany. He enlisted in July of 1776 and served in the German Regiment of the Continental Army under Captain George Hubley (1776), Major Burchardt (1779), and Colonel Weltner (1780) for the duration of the war. His pension lists Trenton, Monmouth, Brandywine, and Germantown as the battles that he fought. Mathias was also at Valley Forge with the army.

    After the war he migrated to northwestern PA in early 1800 and was granted bounty land in that area where he was an early pioneer and many descendants live to this day. Mathias tombstone still exists and reads:

    In Memory of John
    Matthias Flach, a soldier of
    the American Revolution, born at Rim
    shorn, Germany, April 8, 1752: & died,
    Jan’y 20th 1834: age 81 yrs, 9 mo. 12da.

    “Relentless death’s unerring dart,
    has peirc’d the aged veteran’s heart;
    He while alive did firm maintain,
    The Liberty he helped to gain,
    …….under great Washington.”

    1. Hey, DAR sister.
      I now live in DE but am visiting old friends in STL as I type. Seeing Peg Flach (her birth name) on Tuesday and will show her this. She may not be descended from John Mathias as there a gaggle of 1840’s Germans out here. It she thinks she maybe I will let you know. My people where in southern NY but I will be honoring the Battle of Brandywine. My name sake who I have yet to prove shows up in the 3rd PA Regiment in 1780…..so you never know.
      Lorna McElhone
      Col Haslet Chapter
      Dovet DE

  57. My 5th GGF, Squire Thomas Cheyney, (according to local historians, “the Paul Revere of the Brandywine” (on 11 Sep 1777, rode thru British lines to alert Gen Sullivan, in the vicinity of Chadds Ford, that the main body of the British army had crossed the Brandywine approaching from the North and thy were about to be outflanked at Brandywine Creek. He didn’t believe him; thought Cheyney was a spy. Cheney demanded to be taken to Gen Washington and told him to put him under guard until it was proved he could be believed. Washington finally believed him. The incident brought Cheyney into the public notice and a month later he became Col. Thomas Cheyney, sub-lieutenant of Chester Co.

    1. That had to have been an extremely frustrating experience to know you are right and then be delayed until the usefulness of the information has expired.

  58. My ancestor was born in 1759 in England and sent with other young boys to fight for the British!! John Porter started out at a drummer in the Queens American Regiment and was at Brandywine and when the were down south he was promoted to hornblower (trumpeter) and then when back up to New Jersey to watch the prison there.
    In 1783 in NY he married and then went to Saint John in New Brunswick, Canada. He and a Hessian Johann Christian Fuchs built a raft and with all of their belongs and John’s wife Mary they headed up stream towards Woodstock but along the way John Porter somehow slipped of the raft and drown in Oct 1783. Then in early 1784 his wife married that Hessian and when hers and Johns baby was born in April 1784 and the Hessian tried to get John’s land grant was denied as he had a son now. Fuchs/Fox (as he called himself now) made Mary give up her baby son and as he wasn’ t going to raise that child as his.
    The battles are from the Archives in England and the rest was John Porter’s son as he was told by his mother and the people who raised him.

    1. Well he certainly was a low life and id lay odds if poor mary had had a chance she would have slipped him off the next. Raft.

    2. That was interesting. I was just wondering if there was a post concerning the British side when I saw yours. After all, they were there too! Thank you for sharing.

  59. My three times Great Grandfather Joseph Randall (1798-1881) made a statement at a family reunion that was in an article found in the “Bellefontaine Republican Newspaper” Ohio dated September 17, 1880 that his father told him “ When the battle of Brandywine was fought his grandfather Joseph Randall (1734-1813) was living just where the two forces met. He took his family into the cellar for safety. Mr Randall’s father Joseph Randall (1770-1839) was then six years old”. They were Quakers. I would very much like to find where exactly this land was. They say when Quakers marry the husband settles where the wife is from. His wife was Rachel Griffith.
    Is there anyway to confirm where exactly this location was?

    1. There are several Quaker Meetings within the Brandywine Battlefield National Historic Landmark. The Kennett Meeting, Longwood Meeting, Birmingham Meeting are but three examples. The local meetings may have records and meeting records are also held in Philadelphia where were sent from many of the local meetings.

    2. Carol, You might try Chester Co Historical Society in West Chester. They may have old maps of the area where the battle took place that show landowners.
      The main fighting was at Chadds Ford and Sandy Hollow. I believe Sandy Hollow is in the same family today as 1777 but I’m am not sure. If you do not live in the Phila are let me know and I’ll see what I can dig up.
      For all, there is in the works a Battle of Brandywine reenactment for summer of 2017. The last one was 3 years ago. It will be a major event with reenactors from all over the East coast. Also Mike Harris, author of “Brandywine”, gives comprehensive guided tours of the places where Battle events happened. He also shows where each regiment was and tells what they did. It is a special experience to walk the ground where our ancestor bravely stood and fought.

    3. It would be helpful to know the dates for the Brandywine reenactment. Once September is half over, our vacations are already set for 2017. I’m probably not the only one who has to plan that far in advance.

  60. I had no ancestors in the Battle of Brandywine, but my great, gr., gr., Grandmother Elizabeth Harry Bailey, at the age of 13, stood on a nearby hill and watched General Washington place his troops for battle in that conflict.

  61. Jedediah Lyon served in Capt. Richard Cox’s Co. in the 3rd New Jersey Regiment commanded by Col. Elias Dayton. He enlisted May 20,1777 and mustered out August 1, 1780. He was with Washington at the Battle of the Brandywine. After the defeat, Washington had his men lay over at Chester, PA while he made future plans.

    Lafayette, who had been wounded in the foot, was tended to by a slip of a girl in her teens, Mary Gorman, who had been called to his bedside because she spoke fluent French.

    Washington spent that dreadful winter at Valley Forge and Jedediah, along with many others suffered frostbite which crippled him for the rest of his life. He was sent back to his native New Jersey for the rest of his enlistment. His records show that he began receiving subsistence which was later increased after a two month leave November and December 1779 which probably indicates that he married and had a child.

    We lose track of Jedediah for a while and we do not know why he did, but he eventually moved south to Pennsylvania where we find him in the 1790 census in Chester, Pa with two boys and either a wife or a daughter. However, his circumstances quickly changed and in 1791, when he is 30 and she is 26, he married at Old Swede’s Church in Philadelphia, Mary Gorman, the same person who tended Lafayette’s wounds!

    In 1818 he applied for and received a pension, #S40106, for having his feet frozen at Valley Forge. My line to Jedediah goes back through three generations of women and then four great grandfathers. He is my seventh ggrandfather!

    1. Barbara, I am also a descendant of Jedediah Lyon! Thank you for explaining that this may have been a second maarriage for Jedediah. My family knew he was in the battle of Brandywine and married Mary Gorman but had some trouble with the ages and late wedding date. We thought we were missing a generation. I would love to connect with you about them. He is my 4th ggrandfather.

    2. My information is that Lafayette was wounded in the thigh, not the foot and it took 6 weeks to recover from the injury. I lived in chester county, pa. And Washington’s headquarters and the neardy cabin where Lafayette recovered from his injury still stand at Brandywine Battlefield park. William Popham is an ancestor on my grandfather’s side. He fought in the battle of Long Island where he personally took 19 prisoners in a very unconventional way. Washington made him an aide de camp and eventually a major as well. He was young and just out of Princeton where he graduated before entering the revolution. He also fought in the battle of Brandywine. Popham served under at least 3 generals and when he eloped his marriage was attended by several generals including Washington who gave them a tea set most of which is still in the family. Popham served as president of the order of the Cincinnati after George Washington and was the last surviving member to have fought in the revolutionary war. New York Times obituary of his son described him as a friend and confidant to many of our nations founders.

    3. LaFayette recovered in the kitchen of a house Dawesfield off of Skippack Pike in Montgomery County. This is where Mad Anthony Wayne was court martialed for the Paoli massacre (and exonerated). The building still stands and is privately owned.

  62. My 4th great grandfather Joseph Fuqua enlisted under Capt. Gross Scruggs on the 22nd day of Febuary 1776 as a private in the 5th Regiment of the Virginia line. Pension Application of Joseph Fuqua W7345 Celia Fuqua VA stated that she is the widow of Joseph Fuqua dec’d of said Country-who was a private in the regular service, in the revolutionary war, and was at the Battle of Brandywine PA, Sep 1777.

  63. My 6th GG Father, Captain John Chilton, fought in the Battle of Brandywine and died on Sept 11, 1777. He fought under Col. Thomas Marshall in the 3rd Virginia Regiment. During the battle, he kept a diary of events which is a book that is published today called “They Behaved like Soldiers”. RIP Captain John Chilton and thank you for your service!

    1. Hello cousin Paula. Captain John Chilton was my 6th GG Father as well. I have a copy of the book you mentioned. I am actually related to John Chilton through two of his children, George Chilton who married Mary Ellen Ball and Lucy Chilton who married John C Ransdell.

    2. Hello Chad!!! Very nice to meet another cousin. I’m related to Captain Chilton through George Chilton who married Mary Ellen Ball and then their son George Chilton who married Eleanor Zimmerman. So, then George Chilton (Jr) would be Lucy’s brother. Very exciting! Are you on ancestry or another family history website?

    3. Paula,

      I am easy to find on Ancestry.com, my user name is Chad_Sidesinger. Send me a message there so we can discuss this more!


  64. My 5th GGF was Josiah Parker, Lt. Colonel in command of the 5th Virginia Regiment He was commended by Washington for his actions in the battle.

  65. Three brothers of my Carbaugh family from Lancaster County, Pennsylvania served in the Rev War. My third great grandfather Jacob Carbaugh, John Peter Carbaugh, and Samuel Carbaugh. We know for sure Peter Carbaugh served at the Battle of Brandywine Creek, Flatbush [Battle of Long Island], Battle of Fort Washington, Battle of Germantown, and Battle of Monmouth. Peter’s military service is documented by his pension application file no. S16691. His DAR database ancestor no. is A019066. He had a rank of Private. Pennsylvania Continental Line. The three brothers were sons of Simon Kerbach/Carbach/Carbaugh born 1711 Germany. The family story says that Samuel Carbaugh died while making his way home from the Rev War about 1783.

  66. Both of my Grandfather’s fought for Emperor Franz Joseph The II of Austria Hungry. I am a second generation American and proud of it.

  67. My great grandfather Lieut. Augustine Anderson was an
    Ensign in Captain Broericks Co;
    Spencers Continental Regt.
    From Feb 11, 1777 to July 1, 1778
    He served in the Revolutionary War at the battles of Brandywine and Germantown and received his Lieut. commision at the end of his enlistment.

  68. My 4x Great Grandfather, Micajah Pettaway (Edgecombe County, NC), was a bodyguard of Washington’s at Valley Forge and fought with Lafayaette at Brandywine…so says his 1849 obit in The Baltimore Sun.

    Still trying to find out more about him.

  69. Washington used my 6x great grandfather Benjamin Ring’s house as headquarters for the Battle of the Brandywine.

  70. I have a copy of an interesting document which lists a number of men captured by the British and taken to Philadelphia. My ancestor, Zachariah Wells, and I presume a number of the other men, fought at Brandywine. The sheet has a note beside one of the payees dated 22 Dec. 1780, but I don’t know if the sheet is from before that date or after.

    Quoting from a note appended to a pay sheet:

    “Return of men inlisted to serve in the War in the 1st Regt. of Lt. Dragoons 5th troop which have been violently taken from the sd. Regt.

    “Wm Peake
    Wm Brooke
    John Longdon
    Robt. Done
    Colman Robury
    Andw. Neal
    John Waters
    Zachariah Wells
    Isaac Dehaven
    Mark Kenton
    Wm. Halbert
    John Champ
    Stephen Lewis
    Coleman Leonard
    Peter Evans
    Jeremiah Furgusson
    Thomas Hogan
    Jeremiah Thompson
    James Webb
    John Tillery
    John Brown
    John Wright
    George Gutterey
    John Allis
    Joseph Benjamin
    John Humphrey
    Wm. Newman
    Downing Hendron
    Joseph Solomon”

    These or a part of these men were later exchanged and returned to their regiment. Transcription errors are my own.

  71. Captain James Wilson 3rd Company 1st Pennsylvania Regiment is my 5th great grandfather – Thanks grandpa.

  72. Family lore is that my 5 GG, John Heaton, served under General Washington during the Battle of Brandywine. John Heaton’s son was born on the day of the battle, so he was named Washington Heaton in honor of George Washington. Supposedly Washington Heaton was born at Washington Courthouse in western Pennsylvania (suggesting that John Heaton was living in western Pennsylvania before the Battle of Brandywine). I have searched but cannot find a record on my John Heaton. My John Heaton is NOT the Colonel John Heaton who was later prominent in Greene County, Pennsylvania. Some have argued for this being the same person, but it is not. I would love to find my John Heaton.

  73. My 6th great grandfather, John Shepherd, was with the 3rd Pennsylvania batallion and was present at Brandywine.

  74. Joseph Garner (1753-1840), my 3rd G-Grandfather, enlisted in the 1st VA Regiment on 5 September 1775 and he was wounded the next spring at Williamsburg while under Capt. William Blackwell in the 7th Virginia Regiment and that John Marshall was the 1st Lieut. (later Supreme Court Chief Justice). He served the entire enlistment. He was paid 10 lbs. per annum as a pensioner. Thomas Page and John Marshall confirmed Joseph’s service record in a letter in 1819.

    An article in the “Gadsden Times” from 19 March, 1978, states that Joseph “was wounded at Brandywine, was at Valley Forge, and was discharged at White Plains, NY.”

    Joseph moved from Fauquier County, Virginia in 1802 to Georgia and in 1815 he was a resident of Clarke County, Georgia. In 1818 he was 64 years old and still a resident of Clarke County. In 1820, he moved to Alabama and lived there for some time in Saint Clair County.

    An article in the “Tuscaloosa News”, Feb. 16, 1976 entitled “Cemetery out of People’s Mind”, Gadsden, Alabama. Joseph Garner is buried in the “Garner cemetery” in North Gadsden and his marker reads, ” Joseph Garner, Sgt. 15 Va Regt. Rev. War, 1754-1840″. The cemetery dates to the early 1800s. Joseph Garner’s grave, is on the Alabama Register of Landmarks and Heritage.


    [DAR1 p. 81] and [DAR2 p. 1127] lists Joseph Garner (1754-12/20/1840 AL) m Sarah Orr and was a private in VA in the Rev. War. See also, [STEWART, entry 245].

    [GWATHMEY p. 298] lists Joseph Garner as a Sgt. in the 10,11, 11 [sic] and 15 continental lines during the Revolutionary War.

    [BRUMBAUGH p. 438] lists Joseph Garner as a VA Sgt. who served 3 years in the Rev. War.

    [OWEN p. 41] lists Joseph as a private in the Virginia Continental Line and pensioner of Rev. War.

    [VA LINE] lists Joseph in 1835 as a sergeant in the Va Line infantry who had not received bounty land.


    Prepared by: James Luther Garner, Ph. D.

  75. My 4th Great-Grandfather, William Norman was born abut 1750 in Virginia.

    William enlisted in the Virginia Continental Line on February 1, 1776, and served for a period of two years in the Revolutionary War. He was a private in Captain George Stubblefield’s company, 5th Virginia Regiment, which was commanded by Lt. Colonel Josiah Parker. In June 1776, he was transferred to Captain Philip Richard Francis Lee’s company, 3rd Virginia Regiment, commanded by Col. Thomas Marshall and in Brigadier General George Weeden’s celebrated Virginia Brigade.

    On September 11, 1777, William was dangerously wounded at the Battle of Brandywine. He was shot through both knees and was crippled for life as a result of these injuries. General LaFayette was wounded in the same battle. William Norman said that he was standing near the General when he received the wound, and that the Marquis had dismounted and was endeavoring to rally the troops at the time. By the intervention of General LaFayette in the military hospital, William Norman’s legs were not amputated; the General’s attention having been attracted “by the patient’s stubborn resistance to the surgeons.” The British bullet and a piece of bone from William’s knee were kept as souvenirs in the Norman family for some 150 years. William C. Norman recalls seeing them in his grandfather’s home (William Sheppard Norman, son of George Norman) in Hamburg, Arkansas. According to William’s daughter Sarah, William Norman always observed the anniversary of the Battle of Brandywine and celebrated it. His name last appears on the payroll on February 16, 1778.

  76. Our family had five (5) brothers, Anderson, in the Revolutionary War. The second, Brevet Major Joseph Inslee Anderson was my 3rdGGF and served the entire War in the 3rd and 1st NJ Continental Regiments. Later he was a US Territorial Judge, Tennesse Senator in US Senate and a 1st Comptroller in the US Treasury. His older brother Captain Enoch Anderson was in Haslet’s Delaware Regiment, later the 1st Delaware Continental Regiment from January 1776 on. The third brother. 1LT Thomas Anderson was in the 1st Delaware Regiment, first up north, at Battle of Long Island, White Plains, Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown and Monmouth, and then down south with General Greene and participated in more than 25 recorded engagements including Ninty-Six, Camden, Cowpens, Guilford Courthouse and Eutaw Springs. The middle brother, Inslee Anderson, was in the 2nd Delware (New Castle County) Militia Battalion. He later died in the Battle of the Wabash in 1791, sometimes referred to as St. Clair’s Defeat, well after the Revolution. The youngest brother, Ensign William Anderson was in the 1st NJ Continental Regiment during the last three years of the War. He was later a US Representative in Congress from Pennsylvania. This all wasn’t uncommon then, having five brothers in the Army was just part of the patriotism of Americans at that time. Also of note, brothers Enoch, Joseph Inslee, and Thomas served the whole time at Valley Forge when the the Continental Army was quartered there (Dec 1777-June 1778.) Four of the brothers, Enoch, Joseph Inslee, Thomas and William were all founding members of the Delaware State Society of the Cincinnati.

  77. My fifth GGF, Sgt. Hugh Heffernan (sometimes spelled Haffernan or Hafferman), served in Capt. Joseph McClellan’s company in the 9th Regiment of the Pennsylvania Line, and fought at Brandywine as well as many other places until he mustered out in 1783. He emigrated from Northern Ireland as an indentured servant before his 16th birthday, and after the war he settled on his bounty land in Venango and Crawford Counties in NW PA. He is buried in the Conneaut Cemetery near Cochranton, PA.

  78. My 5th GGrandfather, Thomas Murray, Joined the 8th Pennsylvania of the line, Commanded by Col. Daniel Broadhead, in August of 1776 to September 1779. He was in Captain Samuel Miller’s Company. He was captured at Brandywine, escaping from the British, 8 months later. As a Frontiersmen, He took land grants in Eastern Kentucky, Dying in Johnson County, Kentucky. He was the first Murray in Ohio as A member of the 8th Penn., when they left Valley Forge, before Von Subben got there, to march on the British and their Indian alley’s, harassing their home area of Fort Pitt (Today Pittsburg), from the Ohio valley.

  79. I was able to join SAR through my 4th gr. grandfather, a Quaker named Jesse Cook, b. 15 Nov 1744; d. 18 Aug 1818, who was the eighth of ten children born in Warrington twp., York Co., Pennsylvania, to Quaker parents, Peter Cooke (1700-1779) & Sarah Gilpin (1706-1783). Peter & Sarah were married 9mo. 26, 1730oc (26 Nov 1730) at Concord Quaker Meeting, Chester (now Delaware) Co., Pennsylvania.

    Jesse Cook (1744-1818) a tanner by trade, he was married 9mo. 24, 1767 to Mary Wierman (1746-1824) at Huntington Quaker Meeting, York (now Adams) Co., Pennsylvania. Mary Wierman’s grandfather, William Wierman (c.1695-c.1765) came to Adams County, Pennsylvania from Germany through Holland in about 1717. By 1738 William owned over 1200 acres of land in Adams Co., near York Springs in Huntington twp.

    Jesse Cook’s grandfather was Peter Cooke (c.1674-1713) and his wife, Elinor ‘nee Norman Cooke (c.1674-c.1727). Peter brought his family of seven children to America from Tarvin, Cheshire, England in the spring of 1713. Peter & Elinor were married 10mo. 7, 1695oc (7 Dec, 1695) at Newton Quaker Meeting, Co. Cheshire, England. Peter & Elinor Cooke, the patriarchs of the Quaker Cook family of America, were so poor that Peter needed collections from four local Quaker Meetings to make the voyage to America. Peter Cooke died during the voyage to America from unknown causes and his body was NOT brought to port. About May 1713 Elinor arrived alone in Philadelphia with seven children. Peter may have died from smallpox which would explain why his body was not brought to port.

    In 1778, at age 34, Jesse Cook (1744-1818) in Warrington twp., joined the York Co. Militia, 1st Battalion, 5th Company, 7th Class, No. 166,.dated April 11, 1778. As far as I can tell, the Society never gave Jesse any trouble about his service. He was never “disowned” (kicked-out) which was the standard Quaker punishment.

    According to 1772 tax records Jesse was on his farm in York Co., that straddled the Warrington/Monaghan township line. Today, the farm straddles the Warrington/Carroll township line. The farm was passed down my direct line for four generations to my grandfather who verbally promised the farm to his son, my father. For many reasons including distance, my father was unable to stop my grandfather’s sister from selling the farm out of the family in 1953. From 1772 to 1953, for 181 years the same family built, owned and worked this 100 acre farm.

  80. My ancestor,John Lutsey or Lutz was a Hessian soldier sent over by the British. He was captured or deserted. Later settled in Luzerne Co. PA. I was wondering if he was in this battle.

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