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Join Us For A Special Live Stream Event at Gettysburg Battlefield

June 3, 2021 by | 149 Comments

The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. With more than 50,000 casualties, it represented a turning point in the Civil War and ended Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee’s second attempt to invade the North. This coming July, in conjunction with the 158th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, we are partnering with the American Battlefield Trust to tour the Gettysburg battlefield and share stories about the soldiers who were there. We invite you to join us for this unprecedented event as we live stream from Gettysburg on July 1-3, 2021.

Do you have an ancestor that fought at Gettysburg? This pivotal battle impacted soldiers, their families, and the communities they hailed from for generations. Regiments were often raised in towns; it was common for brothers, cousins, and even fathers and sons to serve in the same regiment. Thus, when a unit experienced heavy battle casualties, the impact back home was tremendous.

Archibald N. Euwer

Archibald N. Euwer was born November 22, 1843. After hearing a rousing call for volunteers at a town meeting, Euwer enlisted in the Pennsylvania 155th Infantry Regiment, Company C, in 1862. Not long after his regiment marched off to war, Pvt. Euwer wrote home to his brother. His letter conveyed a hint of adventure and excitement, “I have been very much pleased with my trip,” and “I have liked it very well so far.” Less than two weeks later, the 155th fought at the Battle of Antietam. The carnage and death shocked Euwer, who must have quickly realized his service would be much more than just an adventure.

The following summer, the 155th, now battle-weary and tired, arrived at Gettysburg. Union and Confederate troops had already been fighting for one terrible day. On July 2, 1863, Euwer, who was now a Color-Corporal, ascended a rocky hill at Gettysburg now known as Little Round Top. The view from the top came with a strategic advantage and fighting to control the hill was fierce. Men from the 155th struggled to help haul cannons to the summit and then stood ready for battle, as firm as the boulders around them. Wave after wave of Confederate soldiers tried to gain the hill’s summit, to no avail. The Pennsylvanians then gathered rocks on the hill and constructed stone walls for defense from Confederate marksmen, tucked among the boulders in an area known as the Devil’s Den. Bombardment and fighting flared throughout the vicinity and into the early evening. As darkness fell, the sounds of battle subsided, and the cries of wounded soldiers filled the air. Euwer bedded down for the night amidst the rocks and boulders.

The following morning brought continued fighting and a culminating assault by Confederates at Cemetery Ridge known as Pickett’s Charge. The attack resulted in heavy Confederate losses. Meanwhile, Euwer and others at Little Round Top saw the distant fighting and along with 10,000 others cheered the repulse of Pickett’s Charge. Their joy was short-lived as they surveyed the scene around them. The battlefield was awash with the dead and dying. The 155th lost six men killed at Gettysburg, with 13 wounded. Euwer survived, and according to family legend, ruined his teeth at Gettysburg by constantly using them to tear open packets of powder to load his musket.

Archibald N. Euwer returns to Gettysburg

Shortly after the war ended, Euwer moved to Iowa where he married and started a family. Years later, at a meeting of the Blue and Gray, he returned to Gettysburg. He was photographed on the rock where he said he’d fought so many years before. Archibald N. Euwer died in 1924 at age 81.

This is just one of the scores of stories we’ll bring to you from Gettysburg as we walk in the footsteps of your ancestors. Plus, expect artifacts from the battle, access to restricted sites, and special guests to boot! We’re looking forward to learning more about Gettysburg in the upcoming weeks. We’ve invited the experts at American Battlefield Trust to share more about the battle in a guest blog post at the end of the month. We also invite you to submit your ancestor’s Gettysburg story here for a chance to be featured during our live stream event. To see more records, Memorials, and photographs related to the Battle of Gettysburg, search Fold3® today.

New WAC History Added to Fold3!

May 25, 2021 by | 83 Comments

In 1941, with the looming threat of war, Congress authorized the creation of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC). The bill became law in 1942, but since the WAAC was an auxiliary unit and not governed by United States Army regulations, enlisted women were not eligible for overseas pay or government life insurance. In 1943, a new bill created the Women’s Army Corps (WAC). The WAC would be part of the US Army, giving women the rank and benefits of enlisted men. About this same time, the 907th Post Headquarters Company was activated at Hill Field in Ogden, Utah. We’ve recently added new records to our Hill Air Force Base collection, including a history of the 907th Post Headquarters Company.

First Officer Candidate Class, WAAC Officer Training School, Fort Des Moines, Iowa

The primary purpose for the 907th’s activation was to release men for overseas duty. Female officers were brought in from WAC Training Centers in Florida and Iowa to command the new unit. When they first arrived, the barracks for women in the 907th, expected to number 135, were not yet completed. They got busy requisitioning beds, equipment, a mess hall, and all necessary supplies needed to train and house the new arrivals.

As the recruits arrived, they began specialized training. Women were taught to become radio mechanics, radio operators, supply officers, and other jobs held by male personnel. Pvt. Norene Sparks became the first WAC to replace an enlisted man at Hill Field in August 1943. Soon, WACs replaced dozens of positions held by men. The history for the 907th shows an exemplary disciplinary record with no punishments or court-martials. The WACs wanted to show military officials that they were serious about serving and could manage any job assigned. According to the history, their one complaint was not having enough to do. With the US deeply embroiled in WWII, the WACs made immeasurable contributions both at home and abroad.

During their downtime, WACs at Hill Field enjoyed different forms of recreation. The Red Cross established a day room where the women could gather and entertain friends. There was a piano, radio, games, and cards. Occasionally the WACs hosted dances or holiday parties. The WACs also developed a basketball team and played civilian opponents. They participated in service projects such as planning programs for patients at a local hospital.

As the military transitioned from WAAC to WAC, the designation of the 907th also changed. They became part of the 482nd Base Headquarters, and later, part of the 4135th AAF, Section C. Before WWII ended, more than 150,000 women served in the WAC. Other branches of the military also had similar women’s units, including the Navy WAVES, the Coast Guard SPARS, the United States Marine Corps Women’s Reserve, and Women Airforce Service Pilots.

To read the history of the 907th Post Headquarters Company and see more records from our Hill Air Force Base Collection, search Fold3® today.

Asian American Military Contributions

May 17, 2021 by | 61 Comments

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have made significant contributions to the US military dating back to the War of 1812. May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and to honor those many contributions, we’ve highlighted the actions of just a few.

Joseph Pierce

Joseph Pierce: During the 1800s, job opportunities brought many Asian immigrants to the United States, but Joseph Pierce arrived in a slightly different way. He was born in China and brought to the US by his adoptive father, sea captain Amos Peck. There are several theories about how Peck came to adopt his son, but a photograph unearthed in the mid-1900s provides one. The photograph, purportedly of Joseph Pierce’s daughter, has an inscription on the back that reads, “Daughter of Joseph Pierce who was picked up 40 miles from shore in the China Sea by Capt. Peck.” Pierce (a name he later chose) was about 10 years old when he arrived in America in the early 1850s. On July 26, 1862, he enlisted in the Connecticut 14th Infantry Regiment, Company F. He fought valiantly in pivotal battles including Antietam and Gettysburg, and reached the highest rank of any Chinese American to serve in the Union Army, being appointed Corporal on November 1, 1863. He participated in the Grand Review of the Armies in Washington, D.C., and mustered out on May 31, 1865. His picture hangs in the Gettysburg Museum.

Sadao Munemori

Sadao Munemori: When Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, more than a quarter-million Asian Americans were living in the US. In 1942, officials moved thousands to internment camps. Despite this, valiant Japanese American soldiers still volunteered to serve their country. Nisei is a Japanese language term used to describe second-generation Japanese Americans, and thousands of Nisei soldiers enlisted for service. The 442nd Infantry Regiment was an all-Nisei regiment and the most decorated unit for its size and length of service. Pfc. Sadao Munemori was in a US Army training center when his family was forced out of their home and moved to an inland internment camp. He served in the 442nd and while advancing up a strongly fortified hill in Italy, Munemori’s squad came under attack. Munemori moved through direct fire and knocked out two enemy machine guns. While returning to a crater where two of his fellow soldiers huddled, a grenade bounced on his helmet and rolled towards the crater. Munemori dived on the grenade and absorbed its impact. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

L to R: Ralph, Philip, and Susan Ahn

The Ahn Siblings: In 1902, Dosan Ahn Changho and Helen Lee became the first Korean married couple to immigrate to the US. Dosan was an activist who fought against the Japanese occupation in Korea. Their home became a haven for other Korean immigrants in America. The couple had five children, and when WWII broke out, three Ahn siblings enlisted to serve. Ralph Ahn joined the US Navy in 1944 to fight the Japanese. Philip Ahn enlisted in the US Army and served in the Special Services as an entertainer. He was a prolific actor and played Japanese villains in war films. After the war, Ralph followed in his brother’s footsteps and became an actor, appearing in television and films. Susan Ahn led a distinguished military career and was the first Asian American woman in the Navy. She became a Navy LINK instructor in 1943, teaching aviators how to maneuver in simulators. She also became the first aerial gunnery officer in the Navy and rose to the rank of Lieutenant. She later served in Navy Intelligence.

Herbert K. Pililaʻau

Herbert K. Pililaʻau: Native Hawaiian and Pfc. Herbert K. Pililaʻau was born on the Island of Oahu in the Waianae district. Drafted into the Army, he served in the Korean War in Company C, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division. On the morning of September 17, 1951, C Company was involved in a bloody battle with two enemy battalions. After an hour of heavy fighting in an area that would come to be known as Heartbreak Ridge, C Company ran short of ammunition. Pililaʻau volunteered to stay behind and covered the withdrawal of his fellow soldiers. He fired his automatic weapon until he ran out of ammunition, then he began to throw grenades. After those were gone, he grabbed a trench knife and engaged in hand-to-hand combat. More than 40 enemy soldiers died before Pililaʻau was completely overwhelmed by enemy troops and killed. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.

To learn more about additional Asian American and Pacific Islander contributions in the military, search our Honor Wall on Fold3® for individual stories of bravery and valor.

May 20, 1941: The Battle of Crete Begins

May 6, 2021 by | 103 Comments

The Battle of Crete began on May 20, 1941, when German forces began a massive airborne invasion of the Greek island of Crete during WWII. Thousands of German paratroopers (called Fallschirmjäger) landed on Crete, where they encountered tenacious resistance from Greek troops assisted by Allies from Britain, New Zealand, and Australia – and determined Cretan citizens. Though German forces suffered appalling losses on the first day, they later captured a key airfield, allowing a flood of German reinforcements and supplies to arrive. After days of intense fighting, Allied troops retreated to the south coast, where the British Royal Navy evacuated many to Egypt. Those left behind surrendered to Germany on June 1st. The Battle of Crete resulted in a German victory but came at a steep cost. Germany never launched a major airborne mission again.  

German paratroopers land during the Battle of Crete

In April 1941, Germany invaded the Greek mainland. After the fall of mainland Greece, Allied armies moved to Crete to reinforce the garrison on the island. The British Royal Navy dominated the sea, preventing German forces from attempting an amphibious assault on Crete. Germany responded with aerial bombing raids.

Hitler realized that if Allies held on to Crete, it could threaten Axis powers in the Eastern Mediterranean. He approved an invasion plan known as Operation Mercury. It would include 750 glider-borne troops, 10,000 paratroopers, 5,000 airlifted infantry troops, and 7,000 seaborne troops. One of the first goals was to capture Maleme Airfield. This would allow Germany to bring in additional reinforcements and supplies.

Crashed German glider with two of its occupants lying dead (photo from Imperial War Museum)

As Nazi officials planned the invasion, they were unaware that Allies had intercepted German intelligence from decrypted messages from the Enigma machine. Allies knew about Germany’s invasion intentions and began to make defensive preparations.

Record for German soldier killed on Crete

On the morning of May 20th, the invasion began. Allies were ready and waiting as thousands of paratroopers dropped from the skies. They became targets, with many dying before reaching the ground. German losses were huge, and by the end of the first day, it appeared that Allied troops would successfully repel the invasion. However, a series of communication failures and tactical errors allowed Germany to take Maleme Airfield on the second day of fighting, and the tides began to turn in Germany’s favor.

German troops pushed forward with a strong offensive while Allies put up a tenacious defense. Joining Allies was a strong civilian resistance force. The determined civilian defense surprised Germany and later led to brutal reprisals.

After days of punishing losses, Allies retreated across the mountains and towards the south coast. Over the next four nights, the Royal Navy evacuated some 10,500 troops to Egypt. Some of those troops died en route to Egypt during a Luftwaffe attack. On June 1st, most of the remaining soldiers surrendered to Germany. A small minority fled into the mountains and joined the local resistance.

If you would like to learn more about the Battle of Crete or other WWII battles, search Fold3® today!

Newly Added Unit History for the 96th Bomb Group!

April 26, 2021 by | 36 Comments

We’re pleased to announce that we’ve added records for the 96th Bomb Group to our archives. The 96th Bomb Group was part of the United States 8th Air Force and flew B-17 Flying Fortresses with a Square-C tail marking. They flew 324 missions across occupied Europe during WWII and received two Distinguished Unit Citations.

413th Bomb Squadron, 96th Bomb Group

During WWII, the US determined that it needed to beef up the Army Air Force in the European Theatre of Operations. The 96th Bomb Group, organized in the summer of 1942, was activated at Army Air Force Base in Salt Lake City. Many of the initial recruits came from Salt Lake City and Boise. Additional members joined the Group, and after training, the 96th was deployed to Europe in three phases.

Crew from the 339th Bomb Squadron

This Unit History contains microfilm from the Air Force Historical Research Agency. Some of the images are of poor quality, but to provide the most accurate and archival record, we’ve included every page of the film. The reels of microfilm are organized by date and include groupings for the squadron, group records, mission reports, and operations reports. You’ll find squadron diaries for the 337th Bomb Squadronthe 338th Bomb Squadron, and the 339th Bomb Squadron. The records also document awards, such as when members of the 413th Bomb Squadron received the Distinguished Flying Cross.

B-17 Bomber “Ole Puss” and crew

This collection also contains details about different bombing missions, like this summary of missions from the 338th Bomb Squadron, crew rosters from the 339th Bomb Squadron, and reports on injuries and fatalities.

The 96th Bomb Group received two Distinguished Unit Citations. The first was awarded for bombing an aircraft factory on August 17, 1943, in Regensburg. They received the second citation for assisting the 45th Bomb Wing in bombing aircraft components factories in Poznan on April 9, 1944. Before the war ended, the 96th Bomb Group lost 938 men, flew 8924 sorties, and lost 206 aircraft.

To learn more about the 96th Bomb Group, search this new collection on Fold3® today!

These Walls Do Talk: Civil War Signatures Discovered Beneath Layers of Wallpaper and Paint

April 15, 2021 by | 135 Comments

In late 1861, Federal troops seized Beaufort, South Carolina, and occupied the city. Homes and other buildings abandoned by fleeing South Carolinians were commandeered. Officials turned 15 buildings into Union hospitals. One hospital was in a home belonging to one of Beaufort’s wealthiest citizens. To pass the time, soldiers doodled pictures and signed their names on the mansion’s plaster walls.

Civil War soldiers’ graffiti covers hospital wall

Over time, layers of wallpaper and paint covered the old plaster. When the home underwent historic preservation, the current owner made a remarkable discovery. The Civil War-era graffiti, now well over a century old, was still intact. Each uncovered signature tells a story. These soldiers were young and old. They came from all walks of life and for a moment in the early 1860s, their paths converged in a Beaufort Union hospital. Here are a few of their stories:

Charles Littleton Drum Corps

Charles H. Littleton served in the Pennsylvania 50th Regiment, Company F. He was born in Petersburg, Pennsylvania, the oldest son of immigrant parents. On September 28, 1861, 15-year-old Charles enlisted as a musician and drummer boy. He was described as 5’6” tall, with fair skin, blue eyes, and light hair. While sailing to Beaufort, 500 soldiers from the 50th were aboard the steamer Winfield Scott when she encountered a gale off the coast of North Carolina. Newspaper reports of the incident describe a mad scramble to toss everything overboard, including guns, knapsacks, and even overcoats. The soldiers frantically bailed water as the masts cracked and water poured in. Somehow, all survived, and Littleton made it to Beaufort.

At some point, Littleton was injured and wound up in the hospital, where he etched his name on the wall. After recovering sufficiently, Littleton reenlisted with the Kentucky 55th Regiment, Company F, in the Drum Corps. He suffered from numerous health issues, possibly tied to his original injury. After the war ended, Littleton married Caroline Able, and she gave birth to their daughter in 1868. Caroline died in 1892, and Littleton’s health challenges continued. By 1910 he was admitted to a Soldier’s Homes for the disabled. On December 12, 1912, Charles Littleton passed away in Marion, Indiana, at age 64. He is buried in the Marion National Cemetery.

James Valentine

James H. Valentine was born June 4, 1839, in Lancashire, England. He immigrated to the United States with his family, settling in Westerly, Rhode Island. On February 11, 1862, Valentine enlisted in the Third Rhode Island, Company A. His regiment was reorganized as The Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery at Hilton Head, South Carolina, in December 1861. The regiment saw service in South Carolina and Florida. While serving in South Carolina, Valentine was injured and sent to a Union hospital where he added his name to the hospital wall on June 10, 1862. In a book entitled Shot and Shell: The Third Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, the author describes hospitals in Beaufort.

“Hospitals are essential accompaniments of armies; and we had excellent ones in the Department of the South. Those in Beaufort were large, airy, private residences that had been abandoned by their rebel owners, and were well supplied with stores, medical officers, and attendants.”

Valentine was discharged on February 11, 1865, at Hilton Head. He returned to Westerly where started his career as a house painter. He married Betsey Warren Burdick and in 1910, his census records show that he is living with Betsey and an adopted son. James died May 23, 1915, in South Kingstown, Rhode Island.

Paul Brodie

Paul Brodie was born on February 28, 1839, in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. Brodie and his family immigrated to the United States and settled in New York. In 1860, Brodie was living with his family and working as a stonecutter when he enlisted as a private in the New York 79th Infantry, Company F, on May 13, 1861. The 79th was comprised primarily of Scottish immigrants. The regiment received permission to wear traditional Scottish-style uniforms which consisted of tartan trousers, Glengarry bonnets, and kilts for military parades. They became known as the 79th Highlanders. By early December 1861, the Highlanders occupied Beaufort. Brodie received several military promotions during the war. He transferred to the Signal Corps and was eventually named Major Brevet. He received commendations for gallant and meritorious service.

In 1863, the newspaper The New South reported that Brodie was aboard the USS Pawnee when Confederate forces opened fire on the ship at close distance. Brodie was injured in the shoulder but continued to mount a defense. This may be the injury that landed Brodie in the hospital in Beaufort where he added his name to the wall. Following the war, Brodie was honorably discharged but stayed in Beaufort. He began a career as a draftsman and architect and continued to work for the government in the Department of the South. Brodie left Beaufort sometime around 1886. In 1888 he married Emma Esher in Philadelphia. They moved to Washington, D.C., where Emma gave birth to their son Ralph Brodie in 1889. Brodie continued to serve in government posts and was active in the G.A.R. He died in 1898 in Washington, D.C. Following his death, newspapers reported legal challenges to his pension benefits. Investigations revealed that Brodie married three times, and never legally divorced his second or third wife. The court ruled that all benefits belonged to his son. Brodie is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

Franklin Wise

Franklin Wise was born in France in 1833. He immigrated to America and enlisted in the Pennsylvania 50th, Company F, on April 20, 1861. He listed his occupation as a boatman. His whole company was discharged after three months of service, and Wise reenlisted in the Pennsylvania 50th, Company C. He served in Beaufort, where according to military records, he received a significant wound. During his hospital stay, he added his name to the wall. On January 27, 1863, the surgeon discharged Wise for disability. In 1875, records show Wise still recovering in a soldier’s home in Dayton, Ohio, with no known relatives listed. In 1889, Wise married Elizabeth Ann Hayes in Licking, Ohio. In the 1890 Veteran’s Schedule, Franklin was living in Licking, and in 1891, Elizabeth gave birth to their son. In the 1900 and 1910 census records, Wise no longer lived with his wife and son. Franklin Wise died of pancreatic cancer on February 27, 1916, in Licking, Ohio

John Couhig

John Couhig (also known as John Cowhig) was born about 1835 in Ireland. At age 20, he immigrated to New York, and on May 13, 1861, enlisted as a private in the New York 79th Infantry, Company I (the Highlanders). Early in 1862, his regiment took part in the expedition to Port Royal Ferry. Couhig received an injury and spent time recovering in the hospital. While there, he scrawled “John Couhig Staten Island” on the wall. Couhig was released from the hospital and by September 1862, his regiment traveled to Sharpsburg, Maryland. Couhig participated in the Battle of Antietam and was killed on September 17, 1862. He is buried in the Antietam National Cemetery.

The plaster wall inside the old Union hospital contains many more names. Some are faded beyond recognition, and others contain soldier’s stories just waiting to be rediscovered. To begin your Civil War discoveries, search Fold3® today!

April 12, 1861: The Civil War Begins

April 1, 2021 by | 87 Comments

On April 12, 1861, Confederate troops fired the opening shots of the Civil War at Fort Sumter in South Carolina. This month marks the 160th anniversary of the beginning of the war, the deadliest conflict ever fought on American soil. The Civil War lasted four years and resulted in an estimated 620,000 deaths and 1.5 million casualties. Approximately one in four soldiers that went to war never came back home. This impacted families, communities, and the entire country for generations to come.

Historical photograph of Fort Sumter

The years leading up to the beginning of the Civil War were filled with increasing tensions between northern and southern states. In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president by a strictly northern vote. The election was the impetus for southern states, who were already wrangling with the North on issues like slavery, states’ rights, and westward expansion, to begin the process of secession. Four days after the election, South Carolina Senator James Chesnut resigned his Senate seat and began drafting secession documents. Before long, six more states joined South Carolina to form the Confederate States of America on February 8, 1861. That number increased to 11 states after the fall of Fort Sumter. Four border states (Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri) held enslaved persons but remained loyal to the Union.

Exterior view of Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter, originally built as a coastal garrison, was located at the entrance to Charleston Harbor. Confederate General P. G. T. Beauregard, from the newly formed Confederate States Army, demanded federal officials turn over the fort. He claimed the fort was located in Confederate territory and thus belonged to the South. The North refused and made attempts to send a ship to resupply the fort. The ship was turned away by Confederate guns.

Tensions grew, and Beauregard finally sent US officials an ultimatum – abandon the fort or face destruction. At 4:30 a.m. on April 12th, some 500 soldiers from the South Carolina Militia opened fire on 80 Federal soldiers inside the fort. The bombardment continued for 34 hours until the afternoon of April 13th, when the garrison commander, Major Robert Anderson, surrendered the fort. Though there were no fatalities on either side during the Battle of Fort Sumter, the conflict marked the beginning of more than 10,000 military engagements that occurred between 1861-1865.

Interior View of Fort Sumter

Fold3® has an extensive collection of Civil War records including:

  • Brady Civil War Photos: The Civil War is considered the first major conflict to be photographed extensively. Mathew Brady led a photography team that captured images of the war using a mobile studio and darkroom. 
  • Civil War Maps: This collection of 2,000 detailed battle maps provides insight into Civil War engagements. Some maps show the placement of regiments and the movement of troops.
  • Civil War “Widows Pensions” Files: Only 20% of Civil War pension files are digitized, but if you are lucky enough to find the pension file for your ancestor, you’ll uncover a treasure trove of information.
  • Civil War Service Records: We have service records for both Union and Confederate troops. These records are organized by state.
  • Service Records for US Colored Troops: Approximately 179,000 Black men served in the US Army and another 19,000 in the US Navy. Despite facing racism and discrimination, the US Colored Troops served with valor and honor. These records are organized by regiment.
  • Southern Claims Approved: After the war, the US government established the Southern Claims Commission. This office accepted petitions for compensation for items taken by Union troops during the war.

In addition to these collections, Fold3 has more than 150 additional collections that contain 43 million Civil War records. Start searching our Civil War collection today on Fold3®.